Benefits of Kettlebell Training

Kettlebells provide an effective, functional and adaptable training device for developing and improving strength and power, hypertrophy, muscle endurance, functional abilities, core function, sports performance, active flexibility, body composition and cardiovascular fitness. Let me give you a few examples.
The kettlebell exercises promote nervous system adaptions that increase strength and mobility and develop motor skills such as co-ordination and balance, which you need for your everyday activities (you need a firm grip of the thick handles on the kettlebell). There are also a number of kettlebell lifts that target the posterior kinetic chain (erector spinae, gluteus maximus, hamstrings). These are some of the biggest and strongest muscles involved when performing big lifts.
A number of exercises will also be performed with higher repetitions to promote muscular endurance and cardiovascular effect. When instructing kettlebells I also include the planes of motion to ensure you strengthen groups of muscles rather than just one at a time, as well as improving your flexibility by incorporating larger range of motion exercises.
Core function training is another fundamental element within the kettlebell exercises and vitally important for strengthening the trunk of your body to support your arms and legs, which helps to prevent conditions such as lower back pain. The kettlebell exercises improve your core as it has to support and stabilise the trunk of your body during lifts.
And if that wasn’t enough you are burning calories throughout my class too due to the kettlebell being a form of resistance training (exercising your muscles using an opposing force, in this case the kettlebell).
So, for those of you who have not tried kettlebell training come along to my class and see the benefits for yourself and have some fun too. Open to all levels and both genders as I adapt the exercises to suit the class accordingly. So, anyone up the challenge!!!
Kettlebell classes every Wednesday evening at St George’s School, Broadstairs at 7.00pm. Look forward to seeing you there.