Virtual Classes - Attendee Action Req/d

Virtual Kettlercise (Sat, 28th, 9.00-9.30am), ACTION REQD:
1. If you wish to join tomorrow's class PLEASE BOOK ONLINE. Everyone is required to book for this free session (including the monthly subscribers). I need to know who is going to be the lead person from each of your households. Enter FULL name, email address and contact number within the booking form. Once I have confirmations I can then issue meeting invites to you all. Online bookings for tomorrow's class will CLOSE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.
2. All outstanding PARQ forms MUST be returned to me by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT. No PARQ, no access to tomorrow's class! I now have an online form if required.
3. If you are a monthly subscriber you only need to book SATURDAY'S class. Thereafter, I will automatically book you in for all future classes as you will have priority booking over PAYG. If you wish to pay for the month, message me separately and I will provide my bank details. Watch this space, due to demand I will add a further 2 classes per week (still the same price £40 for the month or £3.50 PAYG). Week day classes 45mins, weekends 30mins. Schedule to follow.
4. I've had another delivery of kettlebells so shout if you need to hire (£5 per bell).
Now the bit you've all been waiting for. How to JOIN THE VIRTUAL CLASS. Please click here to download the instructions.
PLEASE login for tomorrow's class AT LEAST 10 MINS BEFORE start time. This will give you time to make final adjustments to settings, if need be, such as your speakers/camera. I will be able to see you ALL but you will only see ME. I will also mute you all so that you can only hear ME and not each other. I will be playing background music (probeats only, no vocals) in line with music laws. The class will start promptly at 9am and then LOCKED. Anyone trying to login after 9am will be locked out. If you have not completed PARQs and still login, I do have the means to remove you, so please ensure you action ALL THE ABOVE, pretty please. This is for your health and safety.
Meeting invites to follow later today, so please keep an eye on your mailboxes!