Banana Nut Protein Bread
It's recipe time again and this recipe will certainly get those taste buds tingling.
As always, I never communicate a recipe until I've tried and tested, tweaked to incorporate my protein twist on it, and ensured it tastes real good! So here it is folks, my healthy twist on a banana cake:

* 1/2 cup coconut or almond milk
* 2 scoops banana whey protein (60g)
* 2 ripe bananas
* 1/2 cup liquid egg whites
* 3 tbsp coconut flour
* 1 tbsp vanilla extract
* 4 medjool dates
* 1 handful of walnuts
* 1/2 tsp baking powder
Blend all ingredients together, adding the walnuts in afterwards, and pour in to a 1lb loaf tin. Good idea to line this tin as it is really moist. Cook for approximately 45 minutes at 170 degrees / Gas no.3
Serves 12, 95 Calories per serving - Carbs = 16g, Protein = 6g, Fibre = 2g, healthy fats = 2g
Enjoy and let me know how long this lasted before it was totally devoured!!!!