Kettlercise Class Loyalty Cards
Kettlercise Class Loyalty Cards are now available to purchase on my website: * Newlands Loyalty Card @ £35 * Online Loyalty Card @ £25

Loyalty Cards are blocks of 10 classes, valid for 3 months from the date of purchase. Alternatively, PAYG @ £4 online or £5 Newlands.
If you wish to purchase your loyalty card via my website, simply choose the pricing plan you wish. Once paid, you can then book/choose online which classes you wish to attend and the website keeps track of your bookings and expiry date.
IF IN DOUBT: * You can always pay me 'in person' for the Loyalty Cards (for Newlands) or do a 'bank transfer' (for online classes) and I'll keep a track for you of your block bookings.
Once Indoor restrictions have been further lifted and we can resume full class numbers I will then be able to offer FREE taster sessions. Watch this space for further details. xx