Kettlercise Indoor Classes are Back!
Effective w/c 17th May 2021, the UK Government will allow indoor group fitness classes to resume. Therefore, I will be returning to Newlands Primary School in Ramsgate to resume my Tuesday evening and Saturday morning classes.

As a 'Thank You' to all my customers for your continued support throughout the past year, I am offering FREE entry to all my indoor group fitness classes during May at no extra charge.
Simply sign up for the May Online subscription by clicking HERE and you will then gain FREE access to my indoor classes for two weeks (monthly saving of £59).
- £4.00 (pay as you go - online access) - £5.00 (pay as you go - indoor access)
- £24.99 (monthly subscription)
Once indoor group fitness classes have resumed I will also advertise the Loyalty Card discount offers too, effective June 2021 onwards.
I look forward to welcoming you all back into the studio and cannot wait to actually see you all IN PERSON again ha ha xx