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Menofit for Menopausal Women

This month is Global Menopause Awareness. As a Certified Menopause Coach (MenoFIT), I am here to support and motivate women through their midlife journey with movement, nutritional guidance, health, and wellness support.

Programme for Menopausal Women

Be it an individual, small group or corporate, I want to share my personal Menopause journey with you and offer support to better empower you to take control of your health and well-being to make informed decisions about your own menopausal journey. So, how can I support you?

I am not medically trained or a Dietician. I cannot recommend medication or supplements. But, as a Menopause Coach I can provide support, guidance and education to women going through this transitional phase in their lives.

This will include:

· Educate – provide information about physical and hormonal changes occurring during menopause. Help women to understand the systems they may experience and the potential impact on their overall health

· Symptom Management – offer guidance and techniques to manage common symptoms; e.g., hot flushes, night sweats. This may include lifestyle changes and dietary recommendations.

· Emotional Support – address the emotional aspects, provide support, coping strategies, and guidance to better manage with relaxation techniques.

· Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Guidance – provide information about HRT, its risks, and benefits, as well as holistic and other medical interventions to help women make informed decisions.

· Lifestyle Changes – assist women in making healthy lifestyle choices, such as diet and exercise, to promote overall well-being during menopause and reduce the risk of related health issues, like osteoporosis.

· Communication – help women to communicate their needs and concerns with healthcare providers or within their workplace by arming them with the available options/choices open to them to ensure they receive appropriate care and support

I want to empower women to embrace this natural phase of life and to help them navigate it with confidence and vitality. Watch this space for what's coming up xxx


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