Super Sally Swings into Action
Another endorsement and fantastic example of my fitness classes truly being for all fitness levels and all ages.
"Kettlercise classes with Lorraine is an experience not to be missed! They are fun, but also serious in that Lorraine

assesses and continues to assess during each class, everyone's ability at a group level. There is no age bar. I am in my 70s and am finding that my mobility, balance, co-ordination and energy levels have improved tremendously under Lorraine's careful and
sensitive tuition. I cannot recommend Lorraine highly enough, Sally xx"
Sally is truly an inspiration to us all, demonstrating her kettlebell swing with a 2kg kettlebell and, as well as Sally coming along to
my fitness classes, Sally also meets with me for one:one personal training and has done for the past 7 years.
We all love our 'super Sally'.