The Importance of a Consultation
I am asked many times WHY do I undertake a consultation before commencing any Personal Training with any new clients. In short, WHY NOT! As a Personal Trainer you have a duty of care with all clients. It is your responsibility to ensure you understand your clients’ needs so you are able to design a training programme that is right for them. If you don’t ask, you won’t know and that is key in this line of work. Ask the questions; are you on any medication, do you have any injuries or ailments. All of which will have contra-indications to an exercise programme. Wouldn’t you want to know this before training any clients!

On the flip side, if you are a client and looking for a Personal Trainer it can be very daunting when deciding who to choose as your Trainer. Meet the trainer in person to decide whether you could work with that individual. Ask about their qualifications and experience. Make sure they are qualified to teach you in the discipline you require. NEVER assume a personal trainer is qualified for your needs; e.g. To train a client during/after pregnancy a Personal Trainer MUST also hold a Pre/Post-Natal qualification, To train with Kettlebells your Personal Trainer MUST also hold a kettlebell qualification. These are just two examples whereby additional training and qualifications is required if you wish to teach in these discipline areas. Any good Personal Trainer will happily share their qualifications with you, and advise the regulated fitness body they are also a registered member with. Food for thought.
Personally, I don’t simply offer a consultation but also a detailed health and lifestyle assessment as well, including postural, range of motion and functional movement testing and analysis. I like to fully understand and engage with my clients in helping them with their overall health, fitness and well-being journey. And remember it is just that; a journey to becoming a healthier and fitter you, both inside and out. Work hard, have fun and enjoy the journey and be rewarded with the end results. For a detailed breakdown of what I cover click here for further details.