What a Week Ahead
What a bumper of a week ahead we have for group fitness classes, both indoors and online.

You can PAYG, book a block or pay for the month.
All equipment provided, hence advance booking is essential to ensure I have enough equipment on the day for you.
* Mon - Online Flex - mobility, flexibility, strength for all, working with your own bodyweight in a fun, upbeat class.
* Tues - Kettlebell Express 30mins fat burner & 30 mins Abs Blast
* Wed - Online Flex - mobility, flexibility. strength for all
* Wed - Fitness Pilates for beginners NEW CLASS * Thur - Flex Triple Challenge - Strength, Endurance, Mobility and Flexibility with dumbbells. * Sat - One Dumbbell workout - Strength & Conditioning
Have a fabulous weekend. As always, any queries, please don't hesitate to reach out X