What's on Next Week
Get ready for some more new workouts next week you lovely people. You asked for more variety and I am bringing it to you in bucket loads ha ha.

Firstly, next week is the last week of Summer Outdoor Fitness. So come and join us for £5 PAYG. If you have paid the monthly indoor pass, these classes are included within the price!
20 / 20 / 20 has gone down a treat so get ready for more of this on Tuesday. And, as requested, I will drop in the double kettlebell option in the weights section again (for those that want it). You can decide.
Get ready for Thursday's NEW Flex Triple Challenge. This is going to be a corker! Combining Strength / Mobility / Endurance / Flexibility / all in one workout. Introducing dumbbells for the first time. Are you ready for this????
Not forgetting Saturday's Legs, Bums and Tums, back by popular demand. But, wait for it.... I shall be incorporating both the activation bands and loop bands for this workout. Oh the fun we are going to have.
Intrigued? fabulous. Booking platform has been updated so you can start booking on to the classes by clicking here. Have a fabulous weekend and I shall see you at either Dame Janet Upper School (Tues & Thur) or Newlands Main Hall (Sat).
God Bless, Lorraine xxxx